Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present

The past is the basis of the present․ They are always connected because today we live the majority of consequences of the past. There are certain aspects we have to be careful with because the events that happened in the past always happen again, and this is approved by approximately all professionals who study history. We live in the present, but we can do the same mistakes in the future which can be fatal.
History is one of the most significant and respected disciplines. This subject guides us to learn about our past. There are lots of benefits of studying History. It develops in us a deep understanding of the world along with the changes it has undergone with time. If we study History, we understand different aspects of life. There are lessons, both good and bad, to be learned about how our ancestors faced a particular situation and dealt with it.
Not only in history but also during our lifetime we bump into the same problems which encountered in the past, that’s why it is also important to learn from our mistakes have done in the past otherwise we will fall into the same abyss from which we could hardly get out in the past. When we mention our mistakes in the past it is equally important to remember others’ mistakes in the past which can also be our guide to the right path of life.
Past plays a crucial role in our life because you can easily be deceived without knowing the past or memorizing it. Avoiding being lied you ought to analyze the good and bad deeds of people in the past, at least remember what people can be capable of։ lying, killing, stilling, murdering…
Although following the past is helpful, yet there are only some cases we should not overthink about the past. For instance, there are cases when it is impossible to change anything or go back to the past at all. In such a case, when the consequences of the mistake of the past are inevitable, it is necessary to take into account the current circumstances, what can we do to make better the situation. Thus we will have the best solution for the present and the future.
In conclusion, all three periods, past, present, and future have a distant connection with each other. By losing their connection, you lose the scheme of life, events, and the most important, source. After all, to find the right solution to all problems, it is necessary to first find the source of the problem, the reason why it is necessary to look to the past.

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